This program is based on interaction, participation, and the exchange of experiences between participants and the trainer through training workshops and daily group exercises. It uses models and tools that make the training a comprehensive process.
Employees involved in the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) and improving organizational performance.
Individuals, managers, and supervisors.
Introduction to Total Quality Management (TQM) Concepts
- Definition of Quality and Quality Models
- History of Quality
- What is Total Quality Management?
- Critical Success Factors in TQM
- The Relationship Between ISO 9001 and TQM
- Benefits of Applying the Quality Model
- Cost of Poor Quality
- Comparison of Quality Pioneers (Deming, Crosby, Juran, etc.)
National Quality Awards:
- Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
- King Abdulaziz Quality Award
- European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), Sheikh Khalifa Excellence Award
Identifying the Right Model for Your Organization
- Quality Ladder for Advancement
Key Elements of Success in TQM:
- Customer-Focused Quality
- Management Approach Based on Facts and Data
- Developing Employee Engagement Through Idea Generation Systems
- Employee Encouragement
- Critical Success Factors and Common Failures in TQM
Improvement Tools:
- What are Quality Tools?
- The Seven Quality Control Tools:
- Cause and Effect Diagram, Check Sheets, Control Charts, Histograms, Pareto Chart, Scatter Diagrams
- Brainstorming
- Analysis Charts: How-How and Why-Why Charts
- Force Field Analysis
- Affinity Diagrams
- Process Analysis Methodology
- Eliminating Non-Value-Added Activities
- Process Planning: "Turtle Diagram"
- Lean Thinking
- The Seven Types of Waste in Organizations
- Visual Management and 5S Program
- Poka-Yoke: Error Proofing Methodology
Continuous Improvement Methodologies:
- KAIZEN Continuous Improvement Methodology
- Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle and A3 Methodology
- Six Sigma
- Innovation and Quality 4.0
- Eight-Step Problem Solving Methodology
Benchmarking for Quality and Process Improvement:
- What is Benchmarking?
- Reasons for Benchmarking
- Levels of Benchmarking
- Different Benchmarking Approaches
- Understanding the Importance of Quality Models and Identifying Various Quality Concepts and Frameworks Used by Quality Pioneers
- Discovering the Success Factors of Implementing Total Quality Management (TQM)
- Using Total Quality Improvement Tools to Enhance Customer Satisfaction and Improve Organizational Processes
- Applying Other Widely Used Improvement Methodologies
- Describing Different Types of Benchmarking Tools and Techniques to Strengthen Quality Initiatives
- High-Quality Educational Material, Both in Content and Design, Presented Elegantly
- Top-Level Trainers
- Advanced Training Tools and Methods
- A Team Trained to Ensure Complete Comfort for Trainees
- Training Rooms Equipped with All Necessary Facilities
- Ability to Customize Training Programs According to the Client Companies' Strategies
At Creative Sources for Training (CS), we strive to apply the highest quality standards to achieve the desired goals through:
- Conducting pre- and post-program assessments to determine the added value of the training.
- Relying on workshops and activating interaction between the trainer and participants, as well as among the participants themselves.
- Using the latest globally applied training methods and interactive tools.
- Sharing successful experiences from organizations that have implemented similar programs.
- Preparing and presenting training materials by specialists and practitioners in similar projects, designed elegantly.
- Focusing on delivering the project in a distinguished training environment that suits the nature of the program, hosted at a premium hotel.
- Conducting courses with a maximum of 20 participants per program.
- Providing detailed reports on each training program, covering aspects such as attendance, participation, assignments, test results, and more.